Saturday, February 21, 2009


The Budde Family Well / charity: water / Ethiopia from charity: water on Vimeo.

Choose to connect through serving.

Mimi Loves Liv

I received a couple new pics of Liv this morning (thanks Brianna).  Whopeeeeee.

We all know how important these updates are during the waiting process - not only do I look and stare but so does our magical friend MIMI.  Watch Mimi giving Love to Liv.

For those of you who don't know - here's a picture of our beloved and very happy Mimi.

I can't wait to unite all our little ones.  Julie and Sentayehu come home tomorrow and I got word this morning that they are doing wonderful.  Countdown - tick tock!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thank God for

BROTHERS & Dogs... but especially my brother Andy.  I took these this morning as we were enjoying the sunshine.  In just several days of his visit he's cleaned up the backyard, painted LT's closet and completely organized my garage (all without me asking).  He's also introduced me to Ethiopian incense and Ethio Soul Singer Aster Aweke (so great).  Can you say life saver or what?!?!?  Plus, he's just a wonderfully great person who I enjoy spending time with.  Lucky me and lucky Bluebird and Rocky -   who like that he's around too (as you can tell).   Love you Bro.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Rise

Prinzeono, a 6-year-old poet, recites Maya Angelou's poem Still I Rise.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Someone Like You

To Baby LT,

It's a new dawn, it's a new day - click here to read the article that made my heart hopeful when I read it tonight.

"We should be proud of our differences and what we have in common, and we should celebrate them."

Happy Valentines Baby Girl.

Thanks to Jami for this sweet picture.

And THANKS to BFF Mimi for the most wonderful hand made Valentine.  We love you Mimi.

And big long prayer to Aunt Julie who travels in the morning to unite with special Sentayehu.

It's a very special love day and any time we feel alone just remember there's always someone like you.

Happy Love Day

to all the special people in my life and LT's life.