About the Book
This fable is common throughout Ethiopia, Eritrea and surrounding countries and the author choose this Ethiopian version to write. The wonderful images along with simple beautiful text which includes some Ethiopian words is just lovely.
It tells the story of a orphan girl Tshai, her selfless gift to the countries ruler and the dastardly thinking of the wicked Jib. The telling is enhanced by the legend of Ethiopian pronunciations and all round is a lovely addition your library if like me you have an Ethiopian child in your home.
Pan to already a very special - Inauguration Day, and as I was leaving my friend J-Lo's neighborhood party. I checked my messages to hear my niece saying the following in her sweet voice:
"Aunt Amy I talked about LT and the book and Africa and my teacher asked when is she coming and I don't know so can you call me and tell me."
Ava did a book report in class on The Perfect Orange and talked about LT and also talked about her own experience and she is adopted as well. I can't tell you how proud I am to have LT welcomed into this environment where she can connect with the other important children in my life and I am so happy that Ava and her can have a positive dialogue about adoption and they can share about their cultures and Ava will be a big sister to her in so many ways. Ava continues to steal my heart with how special she is. Here's a pic that my special sister Kristeen sent me showing Ava with her book project. She drew a picture of the main character Tshai that she's holding with my cute nephew Stone.