Monday, March 30, 2009

We Are Family!

Liv Tunsitu (toon-see-too)

I am so blessed and overwhelmed and lucky to have to this girl in my life and to have the abundance of love and support from our friends and family.  I am honored and inspired to do my very best by this little angel.  Gratitude is oozing throughout me.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

(this is Mimi, blowing a wish for LT to pass court)

I'll love you tomorrow. You're only a day a way!

Best Wishes & Prayers to all families tomorrow & beyond.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Celebrate Life Celebrate LT

Happy 1 Year Birthday Sweet LT!!!!!!! Your dear auntie found this in the LA Times today and it seems a perfect way to record the day:

Today's birthday (March 16): You are an everyday hero with dreams of making the world better. You won't give up and you won't let others give up either.

I think I've read this at least 20 times. It makes me feel good especially since I can't be there with you.

Our one-year presents for your birthday:
JesusLovinMomma sent a great note and pics of you in the Birthday dress I sent to you. I got it this morning :))))

Last night I had a Gladney SoCal dinner and got to talk one on one with Belay about you

Saturday 3/14, we had our We Are Family baby shower and LT birthday party at a beautiful park with about 60 great friends. LT was the guest of honor with yummy food, beautiful LT banners hanging and generous gifts for you and the other kids in Ethiopia (thanks to the Team for all the work). It was perfect.

*On another note, my heart goes out to the three families who met a delay today in court. We are hoping for a speedy rebound. Love you N, D and S!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

March Madness

I AM.  I Feel,  i am moving through...

Wordle: Feelings
Image from

and it's probably expected because...

HEY EVERYBODY IT'S MARCH & WE KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!  (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)

I am simply overjoyed with each day that goes by.  Keep LT in your prayers.  
This little one is going to LIGHT up our lives.
(3 weeks until our court date!!!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you to my dear friends

A dear girlfriend posted this to her facebook page yesterday and I loved it. Who would have thought that today more than ever I needed support and I got it. This adoption process create bonds beyond my wildest dreams and I'm honored to be a member of the sisterhood.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ava and the girls

Ava is my super wonderful niece and we had a fun girl weekend together.  In short we...went to the Jonas Brothers movie, petsmart, walmart (to buy the Jonas CD), got our nails painted, went to a pancake party, went to the dog park, went to the animal emergency hospital (twice), ate coconut creme pie and met the GIRLS.  I just loved seeing Ava with Sentayehu and Mimi and can just imagine all the girls hangin together.  We want you to hurry up LT :)